PhD opportunity – Porto


Detalhe da Oferta:

Description: The research unit Biocatalysis and Ionic Liquids is seeking for candidates to PhD grants to develop a research work under the scientific research areas of nanotechnology and analytical chemistry. It is expected that candidates be highly motivated to pursue a four-year PhD working plan. The candidates are expected to conduct their main research activities at the host institution (Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto) and eventually, for short periods in other locations, together with our research partners in order to consolidate their work and scientific skills.

Scientific supervision: The PhD programs will be supervised by Prof. Maria Lúcia M. F. S. Saraiva (LAQV, REQUIMTE, Faculty of Pharmacy, University. of Porto, Portugal) and by Dr. Marieta L. C. Passos (LAQV, REQUIMTE, Faculty of Pharmacy, University. of Porto, Portugal).

Requirements: BSc+Master in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Biochemistry or related areas with a minimal overall classification of 16. The selected candidates will apply for a PhD grant in Portugal (FCT/MCTES).

Application dead-line: Applicants should send a short motivation letter, Curriculum Vitae and certificates or diplomas copy of all degrees (note that degrees obtained in foreign countries need a Portuguese Recognition issued by a Portuguese high degree Institution) to
until the 5th of March 2025.